Miners Detailed Information
T - Z
Hastings Mine Explosion
The following is information gathered from the First - Seventh Report of the Industrial Commission of Colorado.
The miners names are linked to ancestry.com page. To view the Ancestry.com page you will have to have a membership to that site. If you don't have one, most larger libraries have access to Ancestry.com.
If there is a FindaGrave memorial, the number is listed and linked to the free website.
Check No. refers to an identification check
ANDY TAKOVIC (Takovitch, Takovick) b. abt: 1888
Austrian, Miner, 29, married, three children
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Jun. 30, 1916
Check No. 20
Age: 29; Birth abt: 1888
Lived in Hastings, CO
Wife: Mary Takovic
Children: Three
Shares of minor dependents ordered paid to widow on account of their death (1918). Could it have been due to the Great Pandemic of 1918?
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery,
Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Burial Date: 04 May 1917
Marker - Yes
Find A Grave Memorial#

Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,626 $8 per week for 312 weeks, not to exceed $2,496, 1917. Lump Sum Settlement granted for $887.46, Nov 10th, 1918. Order requiring claimant to repay overpayment denied, March 6, 1920.
Acc. No. 21,953, Claim No. 3,626. Andy Takovic vs. Victor-American Fuel Co., and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. $8 per week for 312 weeks, not to exceed $2,496 (1st Report, p 58).
Acc. No. 21,953, Claim No. 3,626. In the Matter of the Death of Andy Takovitch. Mary Takovitch, Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employers, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyd's of London, Respondents. Lump Sum Settlement for $851 granted, for purpose of purchasing boarding house and cows. Shares of minor dependents ordered paid to widow on account of their death. March 11th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 44-45).
Acc. No. 21,953, Claim No. 3.626. In the Matter of the Death of Andy Takovic. Mary Takovic, Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Respondents' application for suspension of lump sum award denied April 13th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 45).
Acc. No. 20,153, Claim No. 3,626. In the Matter of the Death of Andy Takovic. Mary Takovic, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employers, and Lloyds of London and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurers, Respondents. Application for Lump Sum Settlement granted for $887.46, to enable claimant to purchase boarding house and cows, November 10th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 53).
Acc. No. 21,953, Claim No. 3,626. In the Matter of the Death of Andy Takovick. Mary Takovick, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Application for rehearing denied March 30th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 63).
Index No. 607, Claim No. 3626. Andy Takovic, Deceased, Mary Takovic, His Widow, Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. Victor American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers’ Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Attorney’s fees $35.74. December-31, 1918. Attorney’s fees $53.35. September 19, 1919 (3rd Report, p 92).
Index No. 699, Claim No. 3625 [sic]. Andy Takovic, Deceased, Widow, Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Co., Insurer, and Lloyds' of London, Re-Insurers, Respondents. Overpayment to claimant. Last receipt approved as final and respondents released from further liability. January 19, 1920. Respondents' application for an order requiring claimant to pay to respondents compensation which had been paid in excess of the amount accorded by law. Respondents' motion for relief herein. Denied. March 6, 1920 (4th Report, p 95).

JACK TOMSICK (Tomsic) b. abt: 1894
Austrian, Miner, 23, single
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Jan. 27, 1916
Check No: 121
Age: 23; Birth abt: 1894
Lived in Austria
Father: ??Jake Tomsick??
Mother: Mary Tomsick
Brothers: Mack and John
Sisters: Julia and Fanny
Wife: Single
Child 1: None
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,589 Undertaker's award for $75, 1917. Claim denied, Dec 7, 1922.
Acc. No. 21,982, Claim No. 3,589. Jack Tomsick vs. Victor- 2 American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75 (1st Report, p 76).
Index No. 1556, Claim No. 3589. Jack Tomsic, Deceased; Mary Tomsic, Mother, Mack and John Tomsic. Brothers, Julia and Fanny Tomsic, Sisters. Dependent, Claimants, vs. The- Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers’ Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London. Re-Insurer, Respondents. Fatal. Claim denied for lack of prosecution and evidence, December 7, 1922 (7th Report, p 146).
Information on Jake Tomsick (maybe Jack's father?):
I believe this is a typo and should be Jake not Jack:
Index No. 621, Claim No. 10462. Jack Tomsick, Claimant, vs. Colorado Fuel & Iron Co., Employer, Self-Insurer, Respondent. Temporary disability. Award $37.14. September 6, 1919 (3rd Report, p 93).
Index No. 713, Claim No. 11705. In the matter of the death of Jake Tomsick, Mary Tomsick, Widow, in behalf of herself and Mary Tomsick and Jack Tomsick, Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, Employer, Self-Insurer, Respondent. Fatal. Decedent's death not due to accident. Claim denied. October 8, 1920 (4th Report, p 96-97).

Row of Miners Graves
JOE TORCHIO (Gregorio "George" Torchio) b. abt: 1859
Italian, Mason, 58, married, six children
Nationality: Italian
Occupation: Mason Company Man
Age: 58; Birth abt: 1859
Wife: Maria Torchio
(Maria Adelaide Fazio (1865–1947))
Child 1: Assunta (1888-1966)
Child 2: Pietro (1898-1899)
Child 3: Giovanni (John) (1898-1959)
Child 4: Eugenio (1899-1918)
Child 5: Raffaela (1900-1928)
Child 6: Vincenzo Torchio – minor child
Buried: Unable to be identified or body not recovered
Find A Grave Memorial#
From the family:
Santo Benincasa was married to Joe's daughter Assunta. Santo came here to escape the conscription in Italy and to work this mine with his father -in-law. Santo escaped the blast after he left the mine to retrieve something he forgot. The story goes that he found what was left of Joe (his foot in a sock that had his initial on it).
My grandfather, Santo Benincasa, worked the coke ovens nearby to the mine, and was married to Assunta. The extended family lived together. My grandfather recounted that the only thing recovered was a single sock with the embroidered initials GT, which he knew to belong to his father in law.
My great grandfather died in this explosion [Hastings Mine], his name was Gregorio Torchio, although he is variously identified as Joe Torchio or George Torchio. To this day I wear his pinky ring, engraved with the initials GT, which was handed down to me. I can confirm that my great grandfather was one of the seven bodies never recovered.
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,851 Award of $833.33, at $8 per week, to non-resident widow and child. January 9th, 1918
Acc. No. 21,937, Claim No. 3,851. In the Matter of the Death of George Torchio. Maria Torchio. His Widow, on Behalf of Herself and Minor Child, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Com pany, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Award of $833.33, at $8 per week, to non-resident widow and child. January 9th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 57).
Claims Nos. 3,839, 3,840, 3,841, 3,842, 3,843, 3,844, 3,846, 3,847, 3,848, 3,851, 3,853, 3,855, 3,856, 3,857, 3,859, and 3,861. In the Matter of the Deaths of Mari Simonelli, Anton Marincich, Jim Anusus, R. L. Davis, John Diakis, Dave Williams, Theres Vinos, Pietro Bertolina, Frank Churichm, George Torchio, Marcellino Harbero, John Kopelas, George Krokas, Pete Nenich, Harris Basakas, and Theros Pappas. Commission found that all of the above named were killed on April 27th, 1917, by an accident arising out of and in the course of their employment while performing services arising out of and in the course of their employment. Nine of the bodies of the above named employees were recovered and taken from the mine but were incapable of being identified and that it was more than probable that it would be impossible to identify the seven bodies yet to be recovered when taken from the mine. Commission, at this time, for the purpose of paying the undertaker's bill incurred deems it advisable to treat the above cases as one case, calling for payment of 16 burial expenses at $75 for each body as fast as they are taken from the mine, respondents to have and take credit for the payment as against any award that may heretofore have been entered or hereinafter entered in favor of dependents of any employes, it being the intention by the award to charge up against each of the above named cases the sum of $75 burial expenses; provided, however, that if no more bodies are recovered from the Hastings Mine prior to April 15th, 1919, the Commission finds that further efforts toward the recovery and burial of such bodies are not desirable or required, and that the amount of burial and funeral expenses which would have been paid hereunder up to that date shall be pro-rated share and share alike among the 16 cases. July 9th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 75).
George Torchio, Deceased; Mari Torchio, his Widow, on behalf of herself and Vincenzo Torchio, Minor child, Dependent, Claimants, No. 3851, … vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company,' Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Nine bodies found in Hastings No. 2, Mine were impossible to identify Seven others remain in the mine which it will be impossible to identify The sum of $675.00 was withheld for funeral expenses from compensation paid to various claimants. Ordered that in each case the sum of $42.19 be deducted from the amount withheld and the balance, if any, paid to dependents designated in previous awards; the various amounts being specifically set out therein. Commission award, February 28, 1923 (7th report, p 75).

JOHN TURKOVICH (Ivan Turkovich) b. 1883
Austrian, Miner, 30, married, two children
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Age: 34 (30 reported) ; Birth 1883
Wife: Mary Turkovich Remarriage on or before September 19, 1919
Child 1: Two
Child 2:
Buried: Catholic Cemetery Trinidad Las Animas County
Colorado, USA
Find A Grave Memorial# 135434584
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,580 $8 per week for 312 weeks, not to exceed the sum of 2,496, 1917. Compensation terminated account of remarriage, Sept 19, 1919.
Acc. No. 21,966, Claim No. 3,580. John Turkovich vs. Victor-American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Compensation granted at $8 per week for 312 weeks, not to exceed the sum of $2,496 (1st Report, p 72).
Index No. 627, Claim No. 3580. John Turkovich, Deceased, Mary Turkovich, His Widow, and Minor Children, Claimants, vs. Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers’ Mutual Insurance Co., Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Attorney’s fees $33.00. December 23, 1918. Petition for rehearing granted pending decision from District Court, January 14, 1919. Terminating compensation account of remarriage, September 19, 1919 (3rd Report, p 93).
JOSE VALADAZ (Valdez) b. abt: 1892
Mexican, Miner, 25, married, one child
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Jan. 17, 1917
Check number: 100
Age: 25; Birth abt: 1892
Lived in Juarez, Mexico
Wife: Petra Valadez
Child 1: One
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery
Find A Grave Memorial#
Found on Body: One knife and seventy-five cents in scrip (Coroner’s Inquest, p 14).
Instead of being paid in currency, miners were paid in Scrip to be used in the company store.
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,617 $5.04 per week for 312 weeks, not to exceed sum of $1,572.48, 1917.
Acc. No. 21,912, Claim No. 3,617. Jose Valdez vs. Victor- American Fuel Company, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance. Co. and Lloyds' of London. $5.04 per week for 312 weeks, not to exceed sum of $1,572.48 (1st Report, p 59).
Acc. No. 21,912, Claim No. 3,617. In the Matter of the Death of Jose Valadez, Petra Valadez, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Child, Claimant, vs. The Victor-American Fuel, Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds' of London, Insurers, Respondents. Lump sum denied (1st Report, p 85).

Row of Miners Graves
BEN VALDEZ b. abt: 1890
Mexican, Pumpman, 27, married, three children
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Pumpman Company Man
Age: 27; Birth abt: 1890
Wife: Irenea Anna Valdez - Divorced
Juanita M. Valdez was not the wife, common law or otherwise.
Child: Three Two Minor Children
Buried: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,599 $8.00 per week for six years granted to minor children, 1917. $1,864.61, ordered paid to Irinea direct at $8 per week, November 16, 1918.
Acc. No. 22,006, Claim No. 3,599. In the Matter of the Death of Ben Valdez, Irenea Valdez, Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Two Minor Children and Juanita Valdez, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds' of London, Insurers, Respondents. Commission finds that the said Irenea had been divorced from the decedent and had not been supported by him since the separation ; Juanita Valdez was not the wife, common law or otherwise. Compensation denied to both. $8.00 per week for six years granted to minor children (1st Report, p 28).
Acc. No. 22,006, Claim No. 3,599. In the Matter of the Death of Ben Valdez. Irinea Anna Valdez, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Attorney fee for 2%% of total of $2,500 award allowed, to be paid in one lump sum, balance of compensation due widow, to-wit: $1,864.61, ordered paid to her direct at $8 per week. November 16, 1918 (2nd Report, p 53)
Index No. 632, Claim No. 3599. Ben Valdez, Deceased, Irlnea Anna Valdez, and Minor Children, and Juanita M. Valdez, Dependents, Claimants, vs. Victor-American Fuel Co., Employer, and Employers’ Mutual Insurance Co., Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Attorney’s fees $56.81. Temporary disability. Award $1,423.69. September 19, 1919 (3rd Report, p 94)
MATT VALENCICH (Mate) b. 1881
Austrian, Miner, 21, married, one child
Fact: Born 1881, 36 years old
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Age: 36; Birth abt: 1881
Wife: Josie Valenchich
Child 1: One Children in report, ?more than one?
Child 2:
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery,
Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Burial Date: 9 May, 1917
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,563 $8 per week for 6 years, or $2,500, 1917.
Acc. No. 21,929, Claim No. 3,563. Matt Valencich vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Compensation $8 per week for 6 years, or $2,500 (1st Report, p 72).
Acc. No. 21,929, Claim No. 3,563. In the Matter of the Death of Matt Valencich. Josie Valencich, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Application for Lump Sum Settlement denied December 27th, 1917 (2nd Report, p 42).
Acc. No. 21,929, Claim No. 3,563. Death of Matt Valencich. Josie Valenclch, Widow, on Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, * Claimants, vs. Victor-American Fuel Co., Employer, Employers' Mutual Ins. Co., Insurer, Lloyds of London, Re-lnsurer, Respondents. Application for lump sum settlement granted for $35.96 to pay attorney fees. November 12th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 94).
Index No. 633, Claim No. 3563. Matt Valencich, Deceased, Josie Valencich, His Widow and Minor Chidren, Dependents, Claimants, vs. Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers’ Mutual Insurance Co., Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Petition for rehearing granted pending decision from District Court December 27, 1918. Petition for lump sum to purchase cattle denied March 8, 1919. Attorney’s fees $53.93. September 19, 1919 (3rd Report, p 94).

ALEJANDRO VIGIL (Alexander P. Vigil)
b. abt: 1882
Mexican, Driver, 35, married, five children
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Driver Company man?
Age: 35; Birth abt: 1882
Wife: Vidalita Vigil, remarried on August 20th, 1917
Child 1: Five
Child 2:
Buried: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,664 $5.53 per week for 312 weeks, not to exceed $1,725.36, 1917.
Acc. No. 21,946, Claim No. 3,664. Alexander Vigil vs. Victor-American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. $5.53 per week for 312 weeks, not to exceed $1,725.36 (1st Report, p 60).
Acc. No. 21,946, Claim No. 3,664. In the Matter of the Death of Alexander P. Vigil. Vidalita Vigil, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds' of London, Insurers, Respondents. Claimant was found to have remarried on August 20th, 1917. Her share of compensation was terminated on the date of remarriage, in accordance with Section 4, (f), V, of the Workmen's Compensation Law, and the unpaid balance of compensation, otherwise due her, ordered paid to the minor children. February 15th, 1918 (2nd report, p 37).
THEROS VIHOS (Theres Vinos) b. abt: 1886
Greek, Miner, 31, single
Nationality: Greek
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Aug. 9, 1916
Check number: 3
Age: 31; Birth abt: 1886
Family or Relatives
Lived in Greece
Non-resident - four-fifths dependent
Mother: Selia Vihos
Wife: Single
Child 1: None
Buried: Unable to be identified or body not recovered
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,846 Funeral $75.00, Attorney $25.00, Award, $666.67, January 27, 1922.
Claims Nos. 3,839, 3,840, 3,841, 3,842, 3,843, 3,844, 3,846, 3,847, 3,848, 3,851, 3,853, 3,855, 3,856, 3,857, 3,859, and 3,861. In the Matter of the Deaths of Mari Simonelli, Anton Marincich, Jim Anusus, R. L. Davis, John Diakis, Dave Williams, Theres Vinos, Pietro Bertolina, Frank Churichm, George Torchio, Marcellino Harbero, John Kopelas, George Krokas, Pete Nenich, Harris Basakas, and Theros Pappas. Commission found that all of the above named were killed on April 27th, 1917, by an accident arising out of and in the course of their employment while performing services arising out of and in the course of their employment. Nine of the bodies of the above named employees were recovered and taken from the mine but were incapable of being identified and that it was more than probable that it would be impossible to identify the seven bodies yet to be recovered when taken from the mine. Commission, at this time, for the purpose of paying the undertaker's bill incurred deems it advisable to treat the above cases as one case, calling for payment of 16 burial expenses at $75 for each body as fast as they are taken from the mine, respondents to have and take credit for the payment as against any award that may heretofore have been entered or hereinafter entered in favor of dependents of any employes, it being the intention by the award to charge up against each of the above named cases the sum of $75 burial expenses; provided, however, that if no more bodies are recovered from the Hastings Mine prior to April 15th, 1919, the Commission finds that further efforts toward the recovery and burial of such bodies are not desirable or required, and that the amount of burial and funeral expenses which would have been paid hereunder up to that date shall be pro-rated share and share alike among the 16 cases. July 9th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 75).
Index No. 1133, Claim No. 3846. Theros Vihos, Deceased; Selia Vihos, Mother, Dependent. Claimant, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Re-insurer, Respondents. Fatal. Questions: Average wages. Partial dependency of mother. Held: Wages exceeded $16.00 per week, and mother was four-fifths dependent on decedent for support. Award, $666.67 (said amount being four-fifths of $2,500.00 maximum compensation for total dependency reduced to one-third account claimant being non-resident of the United States), funeral $75.00. attorney's fees allowed, $60.00, attorney's expenses, $25.00, January 27, 1922 (6th Report, p 137).
Theros Vihos, Deceased, Selia Vihos, Mother, Dependent, Claimant, No. 3846, … vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company,' Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Nine bodies found in Hastings No. 2, Mine were impossible to identify Seven others remain in the mine which it will be impossible to identify The sum of $675.00 was withheld for funeral expenses from compensation paid to various claimants. Ordered that in each case the sum of $42.19 be deducted from the amount withheld and the balance, if any, paid to dependents designated in previous awards; the various amounts being specifically set out therein. Commission award, February 28, 1923 (7th report, p 75).
PAUL VINCENZI (Vinzcinco) b. abt: 1897
Mexican, Trackman, 20, single
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Trackman Company Man
Age: 20; Birth abt: 1897
Partial dependency of 36 2-3
Three Minor Sisters: Dora, Lucia and Susie Vincenzi
Moses Trujillo, Guardian
Wife: Single
Child 1: None
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,601 $5.50 granted for 114.767 weeks or $631.22, Nov 21, 1917.
Acc. No. 22,010, Claim No. 3,601. In the Matter of the Death of Paul Vincenzi, Three Minor Sisters of Decedent by Moses Trujillo, Guardian, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds' of London, Insurers, Respondents. Partial dependency of 36 2-3. Compensation of $5.50 granted for 114.767 weeks or $631.22 (1st Report, p 78).
Acc. No. 22,110, Claim No. 3,601. In the Matter of the Death of Paul Vincenzi. Dora, Lucia and Susie Vincenzi, Minor Sisters, by Moses Trujillo, their next friend and guardian, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Application for rehearing granted December 21st, 1917 (2nd Report, p 55).
Acc. No. 22,010, Claim No. 3,601. In the Matter of the Death of Paul Vincenzi. Dora, Lucia and Susie Vincenzi, Minor Sisters, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. New hearing held for the purpose of allowing claimants to submit additional wage history. Commission found evidence did not warrant any change in award of November 21st, 1917, said award was, therefore, reaffirmed November 4th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 92).

Row of Miners Graves
TOM VLAHOS (Valahos) b. abt: 1880
Greek, Miner, 37, married, two children (+1 posthumous)
Nationality: Greek
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Jun. 20, 1916
Check number: 25
Age: 37; Birth abt: 1880
Lived in Hastings, CO
Wife: Catherine Valahos - Death before Sep 18, 1920
Child 1: One child death before Sep 18, 1920
Child 2: Vlahos #2
Child 3: Posthumous Child
Buried: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,571 $8.00 per week for 6 years, not to exceed $2,496.00, July 9, 1917. Amended to give share to posthumous child, Apr 16, 1918. Terminated for Widow and one minor child account of death, Sep 18, 1920.
Acc. No. 21,954, Claim No. 3,571. Tom Vlahos, Victor-American Fuel Co., Employers' Mutual Ins. Co., Lloyds' of London. $8.00 per week for 6 years, not to exceed $2,496.00 (1st Report, p 56).
Acc. No. 21,954, Claim No. 3,571. In the Matter of the Death of Tom Valahos. Catherine Valahos, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds of London, Insurers. Award of July 9th, 1917, amended to give one-fourth share of compensation to posthumous child, April 16th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 65).
Index No. 742, Claim No. 3571. In the matter of the death of Tom Vlahos, Catherine T. Vlahos, Widow, in behalf of herself and three Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds' of London, Re-Insurer, Respondents. Terminating compensation of widow and one minor dependent account of death. September 18, 1920 (4th Report, p 100).
FRANK VURNICK (Vurnich) b. abt: 1869
Austrian, Miner, 48, single
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Age: 48; Birth abt: 1869
Date Hired: Apr, 1914
Check No: 28
Wife: Single
Child 1: None
Child 2:
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery
Find A Grave Memorial#
Found on the body: One key and one knife (Coroner’s Inquest, p 15).
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,642 Undertaker's award for $75, 1917. Compensation denied, Jan 9, 1923.
Acc. No. 22,015, Claim No. 3,642. Frank Vurnich vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75 (Report, Claim, p 75).
Index No. 1622, Claim No. 3642. Frank Vurnick, Deceased; Unnamed Dependents, Claimants, vs. Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers’ Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Re-Insurer, Respondents. Dependents’ Notice and Claim for Compensation denied for lack of evidence, January 9, 1923 (7th Report, p 151).

Row of Miners Graves
DAVE WILLIAMS (D.E. Williams) b. abt: 1883
Welsh, Pit Boss, 34, married, four children
Nationality: Welsh
Occupation: Pit Boss
Age: 34; Birth abt: 1883
Wife: Catherine Ann Williams
Child 1: Rosie May
Child 2: Sarah
Child 3: Ruth
Child 4: Elizabeth
Buried: Unable to be identified or body not recovered
Find A Grave Memorial#
Mine Foreman (Pit Boss) – Responsible for taking air samples and air flow measurements. Certified from the State Board of Examiners. Between 15-20 years’ experience.
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,844 $2,500, payable $8 per week, Jan 8, 1918.
Acc. No. 22,016, Claim No. 3,844. In the Matter of the Death of Dave Williams. Catherine Williams, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Award to widow and four minor children, $2,500, payable $8 per week; January 8th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 57)
Claims Nos. 3,839, 3,840, 3,841, 3,842, 3,843, 3,844, 3,846, 3,847, 3,848, 3,851, 3,853, 3,855, 3,856, 3,857, 3,859, and 3,861. In the Matter of the Deaths of Mari Simonelli, Anton Marincich, Jim Anusus, R. L. Davis, John Diakis, Dave Williams, Theres Vinos, Pietro Bertolina, Frank Churichm, George Torchio, Marcellino Harbero, John Kopelas, George Krokas, Pete Nenich, Harris Basakas, and Theros Pappas. Commission found that all of the above named were killed on April 27th, 1917, by an accident arising out of and in the course of their employment while performing services arising out of and in the course of their employment. Nine of the bodies of the above named employees were recovered and taken from the mine but were incapable of being identified and that it was more than probable that it would be impossible to identify the seven bodies yet to be recovered when taken from the mine. Commission, at this time, for the purpose of paying the undertaker's bill incurred deems it advisable to treat the above cases as one case, calling for payment of 16 burial expenses at $75 for each body as fast as they are taken from the mine, respondents to have and take credit for the payment as against any award that may heretofore have been entered or hereinafter entered in favor of dependents of any employes, it being the intention by the award to charge up against each of the above named cases the sum of $75 burial expenses; provided, however, that if no more bodies are recovered from the Hastings Mine prior to April 15th, 1919, the Commission finds that further efforts toward the recovery and burial of such bodies are not desirable or required, and that the amount of burial and funeral expenses which would have been paid hereunder up to that date shall be pro-rated share and share alike among the 16 cases. July 9th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 75).
Dave Williams, Deceased, Catherine Ann Williams, His Widow, on behalf of herself and Rosie May, Sarah, Ruth and Elizabeth Williams, Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, No. 3844, … vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company,' Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Nine bodies found in Hastings No. 2, Mine were impossible to identify Seven others remain in the mine which it will be impossible to identify The sum of $675.00 was withheld for funeral expenses from compensation paid to various claimants. Ordered that in each case the sum of $42.19 be deducted from the amount withheld and the balance, if any, paid to dependents designated in previous awards; the various amounts being specifically set out therein. Commission award, February 28, 1923 (7th report, p 75).
LUDVIK YEDNIK (Ludvic Yedynik) b. abt: 1883
Austrian, Miner, 34, married, four children
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Nov. 1, 1915
Check No: 117
Age: 34; Birth abt: 1883
Lived in Hastings
Wife: Barbara Yedynik remarried June 27, 1918
Child 1: Four
Child 2:
Child 3:
Child 4:
Buried: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,584 $8 per week for 312 weeks, or $2,496, 1917.
Acc. No. 21,972, Claim No. 3,584. Ludvik Yednik vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Compensation granted at $8 per week for 312 weeks, or $2,496 (Report, p 73).
Acc. No. 21,972, Claim No. 2,584 [sic]. In the Matter of the Death of Ludvic Yedynick. Barbara Yedynick, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employers, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Respondents. Application for Lump Sum Settlement denied December 27th, 1917 (2nd Report, p 42).
Acc. No. 21,972, Claim No. 3.584. Death of Ludvik Yedynik. Barbara Yedynik, Widow, on Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Co., Employer, Employers' Mutual Ins. Co., Lloyds of London, Re-Insurer, Respondents. The widow, claimant, remarried June 27, 1918. Her share of compensation was ordered terminated as of said date, her unpaid balance to be paid to her minor children. Lump sum settlement granted to her attorney for $37.46 for attorney fees. Compensation of children ordered deposited in bank to accumulate in Savings Account to be withdrawn only upon the order of the Commission. November 21, 1918 (2nd Report, p 94).
Index No. 685, Claim No. 3584. Ludvik Yedynik, Deceased, Barbara Yedynik, Widow, Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. Victor American Fuel Co., Employer, and Employers’ Mutual Insurance Co., Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Claimant's application for rehearing granted, pending decision of District Court. December 27, 1919. Attorney’s fees $53.89. September 24, 1919 (3rd Report, p 99).

Row of Miners Graves
FRANK ZARNADA (Karanda)(Zurnada)
b abt: 1892
Austrian, Miner, 25, single (Married)
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Sep. 24, 1915
Check No: 77
Age: 25; Birth abt: 1892
Wife: Mary Remarriage abt 27 March 1922.
Child 1: None
Child 2:
Lived in Austria
Five Brothers
1 Sister
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery
Find A Grave Memorial#
Found with Tom Manville by cutting machine

Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,588 $8 per week for 312 weeks, not to exceed $2,196, 1917. $100 ordered paid to undertaker, May 31, 1918.
Acc. No. 21,985, Claim No. 3,588. Frank Zarnada vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Compensation granted at $8 per week for 312 weeks, not to exceed $2,196 (1st Report, p 72).
Acc. No. 21,985, Claim No. 3,588. In the Matter of the Death of Frank Zarnada. Mary Zarnada, His Widow, Dependent, Claimant, vs. The Victor- American Fuel Company, Employer, and the Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Application for lump sum settlement of $37.26 attorney's fees granted Nov. 16, 1918 (2nd Report, p 42).
Acc. No. 21,985, Claim No. 3,588. In the Matter of the Death of Frank Zarnada. Mary Zarnada, Widow, Dependent, Claimant, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds' of London, Insurers, Respondents. Application for Lump Sum Settlement denied May 6th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 46).
Acc. No. 21,985, Claim No. 3,588. In the Matter of the Death of Frank Zarnada. Mary Zarnada, His Widow, Dependent, Claimant, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Attorney fee allowed on full amount of award, or 2% of $2,496.00, to be paid in one lump sum. Balance of compensation, $1,834.74, ordered paid to widow direct at the rate of $8 per week. November 16, 1918 (2nd Report, p 53).
Acc. No. 21,985, Claim No. 3,588. In the Matter of the Death of Frank Zarnada. Mary Zarnada, Widow, Dependent, Claimant, vs. The Victor- American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. $100 ordered paid to undertaker and deducted from compensation due widow, May 31, 1918 (2nd Report, p 69).
Index No. 689, Claim No. 3588. Frank Zarnada, Deceased, Mary Zarnada, Widow, Dependent, Claimant, vs. Victor-American Fuel Co., Employer, and Employers’ Mutual Insurance Co., Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Claimant's application for rehearing granted pending decision from District Court. January 9, 1918. Attorney’s fees $52.57. September 19, 1919 (3rd Report, p 100).
Index NO. 1208, Claim No. 3588. Frank Zarnada, Deceased; Mary Zarnada. Widow, Dependent, Claimant, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Empolyers' Mutual Insurance Company. Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Supplemental award. Compensation of widow terminated by re-marriage. Award, $63.51, being balance due widow at time of re-marriage, March 27, 1922 (6th Report, p 144).
TONY ZATKOVICH (Antonio Zadkovic)
b. abt: 1875
Austrian, Miner, 42, married, four children
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Age: 42; Birth abt: 1875
Subjects of Kingdom of Italy
Child 1: Four
Child 2:
Child 3:
Child 4:
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,663 Undertaker's award for $75, 1917. Award, $833.33, Feb 21, 1921.
Acc. No. 21,933, Claim No. 3,663. Tony Zatkovich vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75 (1st Report, p 75).
Index No. 1035, Claim No. 3663. Antonio Zadkovic, Deceased; Widow and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds' of London, Re-Insurer, Respondents. Fatal. Question as to claimants being alien enemies. Held, claimants subjects of Kingdom of Italy. Foreign dependency. Award, $833.33. Attorney's fees, $85.00. Funeral, $75.00. February 21, 1921 (5th Report, p 113).

Row of Miner Graves
JACK ZELE b. 27 Apr 1886
Fact: 31 years old
Austrian, Miner, 29, married, one child
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Nov. 9, 1915
Check No: 89
Age: 31 ; Birth: 27 April 1886
Lived in Hastings
Wife: Johana Zele re-married August 27, 1918
Child 1: Bertha Zele - Minor Child, died January 10th, 1918.
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery,
Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Burial Date: 04 May 1917
Marker - Yes
Find A Grave Memorial#
Ancestry: Immigration: 1905 on the ship Kronprinz Wilhelm. From Bac to Pueblo to join Joe Zele
Maybe Brother/1905 immigration records: Joseph Zele: 1875-1929 – Roselawn Cemetery, Pueblo, CO
Naturalized in 1918, Immigration: 03 Mar 1902 – Port: New York
From: Bač, Serbia Immigration: Karlsruhe from Bremen 3 Mar 1901. From Bac to Pueblo

Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,586 $8.00 per week for 6 years, not to exceed the sum of $2,496.00, 1917. Lump Sum Settlement granted for $822.55, 1918, Lump Sum Settlement granted for $821.30, May 7th, 1918.
Acc. No. 21,981, Claim No. 3,586. Jack Zele, Victor-American Fuel Co., Employers' Mutual Ins. Co., Lloyds' of London. $8.00 per week for 6 years, not to exceed the sum of $2,496.00 (1st Report, p. 56).
Acc. No. 21,981, Claim No. 3,586. In the Matter of the Death of Jack Zele. Johana Zele, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Child, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyd's of London, Insurers, Respondents. Lump Sum Settlement granted for $822.55. Share of minor child ordered paid to widow on account of death of child (2nd Report, p 45).
Acc. No. 21,961, Claim No. 3,586. In the Matter of the Death of Jack Zele. \ Johana Zele, Widow, Dependent, Claimant, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Child, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds' of London, Insurers, Respondents. Amendment of Lump Sum Award entered on March 11th, 1918. Share of Bertha Zele, Minor Child, terminated as of January 10th, 1918, on account of the death of dependent, and her share ordered paid to mother, Johana Zele, as survivor. Lump Sum Settlement granted for $821.30. May 7th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 46).
Acc. No. 21,981, Claim No. 3,586. In the Matter of Jack Zele. Johana, Zele, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Child, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Application for Lump Sum Settlement granted for $842.01, November 15th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 53).
Acc. No. 21,981, Claim No. 3,586. In the Matter of the Death of Jack Zele. Johana Zele, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children. Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Application for rehearing denied May 20th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 67).
Index No. 691, Claim No. 3586. Jack Zele, Deceased, Johana Zele, Widow, Minor Child, Dependents, Claimants, vs. Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers‘ Mutual Insurance Co., Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents, Attorney’s fees $36.29. December 31, 1918. Petition for rehearing granted pending decision from District Court. February l7, 1919. Attorney’s fees $53.49. September 19, 1919 (3rd Report, p 100).
Index No. 1211, Claim No. 3586. Jack Zele, Deceased; Johana Zele, Widow, in behalf of herself and Bertha Zele, Minor Child, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Supplemental award. Overpayment of dependent. Dependent re-married August 27, 1918. Notice was not given to the Commission and to the insurance carrier and an overpayment of $527.46 was made. Ordered: The respondents are to have and take credit for the sum of $1,575.76 heretofore paid and all obligations of the respondents are thereby satisfied, March 24, 1922 (6th Report, p 144).