Miners Detailed Information
D - H
Hastings Mine Explosion
The following is information gathered from the First - Seventh Report of the Industrial Commission of Colorado.
The miners names are linked to ancestry.com page. To view the Ancestry.com page you will have to have a membership to that site. If you don't have one, most larger libraries have access to Ancestry.com.
If there is a FindaGrave memorial, the number is listed and linked to the free website.
Check No. refers to an identification check
R. L. DAVIS b. abt: 1879
American, Driver, 38, (reported single) Married
Nationality: American
Occupation: Driver Company Man
Age: 38; Birth abt: 1879
Wife: Maggie Davis
Child 1: None
Child 2:
Buried: Unable to be identified or body not recovered
Find A Grave Memorial#

Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,842 Award of $1,565 at $5 per week, January 9th, 1918
Acc. No. 21,956, Claim No. 3,842. In the Matter of the Death of R. L. Davis. Maggie Davis, His Widow, Dependent, Claimant, vs. The Victor- American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Award of $1,565 at $5 per week, January 9th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 57).
Claims Nos. 3,839, 3,840, 3,841, 3,842, 3,843, 3,844, 3,846, 3,847, 3,848, 3,851, 3,853, 3,855, 3,856, 3,857, 3,859, and 3,861. In the Matter of the Deaths of Mari Simonelli, Anton Marincich, Jim Anusus, R. L. Davis, John Diakis, Dave Williams, Theres Vinos, Pietro Bertolina, Frank Churichm, George Torchio, Marcellino Harbero, John Kopelas, George Krokas, Pete Nenich, Harris Basakas, and Theros Pappas. Commission found that all of the above named were killed on April 27th, 1917, by an accident arising out of and in the course of their employment while performing services arising out of and in the course of their employment. Nine of the bodies of the above named employees were recovered and taken from the mine but were incapable of being identified and that it was more than probable that it would be impossible to identify the seven bodies yet to be recovered when taken from the mine. Commission, at this time, for the purpose of paying the undertaker's bill incurred deems it advisable to treat the above cases as one case, calling for payment of 16 burial expenses at $75 for each body as fast as they are taken from the mine, respondents to have and take credit for the payment as against any award that may heretofore have been entered or hereinafter entered in favor of dependents of any employes, it being the intention by the award to charge up against each of the above named cases the sum of $75 burial expenses; provided, however, that if no more bodies are recovered from the Hastings Mine prior to April 15th, 1919, the Commission finds that further efforts toward the recovery and burial of such bodies are not desirable or required, and that the amount of burial and funeral expenses which would have been paid hereunder up to that date shall be pro-rated share and share alike among the 16 cases. July 9th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 75).
R. L. Davis, Deceased; Maggie Davis, his Widow, Dependent, Claimant, No. 3842, … vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Nine bodies found in Hastings No. 2, Mine were impossible to identify Seven others remain in the mine which it will be impossible to identify The sum of $675.00 was withheld for funeral expenses from compensation paid to various claimants. Ordered that in each case the sum of $42.19 be deducted from the amount withheld and the balance, if any, paid to dependents designated in previous awards; the various amounts being specifically set out therein. Commission award, February 28, 1923 (7th report, p 75).
TONY DeKLEVA (Dekalva) b. abt: 1890
Austrian, Miner, 27, single
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Age: 27; Birth abt: 1890
Mother: Sophia Dekalva
Wife: Single
Child 1: None
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery, Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Burial Date: 06 May, 1917
No Marker
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,619 Undertaker's award for $75, 1917 Dismissed, December 14, 1922
Acc. No. 21,919, Claim No. 3,619. Tony Dekalva vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75 (1st Report, p 74).
Index No. 378, Claim No. 3619. Tony Dekalva. Deceased; Sophia Dekalva, Mother, in behalf of herself and Minor Dependents. Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Re-Insurers, Respondents. Fatal. Dependents Notice and Claim for Compensation dismissed and denied for lack of evidence. December 14, 1922 (7th Report, p 54)

Row of Miners Graves
ALEX DELY (Tzombankis)(Doly) b. 1887
Greek, Miner, 30, married, one child
Nationality: Greek
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Mar. 2, 1917
Check No: 59
Age: 30; Birth abt: 1887
Foreign dependency
Lived in Greece
Wife: Yes
Child 1: One
Buried: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial#
Found on the body: One Hundred and Fifty-six Dollars and forty cents (Coroner’s Inquest, p 15).
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,666, Undertakers award, $75, 1917. Award $521.66, Funeral $100.00, Jan. 6, 1920
Claim Nos. 3,666, 3,564, 3,634, 3,565, 3,603, 3,631 and 3,621. In the Matter of the Death of Alex Dely, Tom Caukas, Steve Badel, Gus Cristulakis, George Meridakis, Mike Skaulos and Archie Smith, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Funeral award. Commission found claimants were all killed by an accident arising out of and in the course of their employment while per forming services arising out of and in the course of their employment, April 7th[sic], 1917. Funeral award to undertaker for $75 for burial of each , of the above (2nd Report, p 67).
Index No. 178, Claim No. 3666. Alex Dely (Tzombankis) , Deceased, Widow, Minor Child, Dependents. Claimants, vs. Employers' Mutual Insurance Co., Insurer, and Lloyds' of London, Re-insurer, Respondens. Fatal. Foreign dependency. Award $521.66. $100.00 funeral. Jan. 6, 1920 (4th Report, p 39).
JOHN DIAKAS (Diakis)(Hadzidakis) b. abt:1894
Greek, Miner, 23, single
Nationality: Greek
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Mar. 21, 1917
Check No: 38
Age: 23; Birth abt: 1894
Non-resident dependents
Lived in Greece
Father: Pavlos Hadzidakis
Four minor brothers and sisters
Wife: Single,
Child 1: None
Buried: Unable to be identified or body not recovered
Find A Grave Memorial#

Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,843 Awarded for $277.78 at $8 per week, October 30th, 1918.
Claims Nos. 3,839, 3,840, 3,841, 3,842, 3,843, 3,844, 3,846, 3,847, 3,848, 3,851, 3,853, 3,855, 3,856, 3,857, 3,859, and 3,861. In the Matter of the Deaths of Mari Simonelli, Anton Marincich, Jim Anusus, R. L. Davis, John Diakis, Dave Williams, Theres Vinos, Pietro Bertolina, Frank Churichm, George Torchio, Marcellino Harbero, John Kopelas, George Krokas, Pete Nenich, Harris Basakas, and Theros Pappas. Commission found that all of the above named were killed on April 27th, 1917, by an accident arising out of and in the course of their employment while performing services arising out of and in the course of their employment. Nine of the bodies of the above named employees were recovered and taken from the mine but were incapable of being identified and that it was more than probable that it would be impossible to identify the seven bodies yet to be recovered when taken from the mine. Commission, at this time, for the purpose of paying the undertaker's bill incurred deems it advisable to treat the above cases as one case, calling for payment of 16 burial expenses at $75 for each body as fast as they are taken from the mine, respondents to have and take credit for the payment as against any award that may heretofore have been entered or hereinafter entered in favor of dependents of any employes [sic], it being the intention by the award to charge up against each of the above named cases the sum of $75 burial expenses; provided, however, that if no more bodies are recovered from the Hastings Mine prior to April 15th, 1919, the Commission finds that further efforts toward the recovery and burial of such bodies are not desirable or required, and that the amount of burial and funeral expenses which would have been paid hereunder up to that date shall be pro-rated share and share alike among the 16 cases. July 9th, 1918. (2nd Report, p 75)
Acc. No. 21,997, Claim No. 3,843. In the Matter of the Death of John Diakis. Pavlos Hadzidakis, Father, Dependent, Claimant, vs. The Victor- American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Commission found father and four minor sisters and brothers of decedent were dependent to the extent of one-third of a total dependency. Compensation awarded for $277.78 at $8 per week. Non-resident dependents. October 30th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 91).
John Diakis, Deceased, Pavlos Hadzidakis, Father, Dependent, Claimant, No. 3483, … vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Reinsurer, Respondents. Nine bodies found in Hastings No. 2, Mine were impossible to identify Seven others remain in the mine which it will be impossible to identify The sum of $675.00 was withheld for funeral expenses from compensation paid to various claimants. Ordered that in each case the sum of $42.19 be deducted from the amount withheld and the balance, if any, paid to dependents designated in previous awards; the various amounts being specifically set out therein. Commission award, February 28, 1923 (7th report, p 75).
PEDRO DIAZ b. abt: 1891
Mexican, Miner, 26, Married.
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Feb. 1, 1917
Check No: 110
Age: 26; Birth abt: 1891
Lived in Hastings
Wife: Yes
Child 1: None
Buried: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,667A. Spanedda also has this # $8 per week for 312 weeks or $2,496
Acc. No. 22,007, Claim No. 3,667. Pedro Diaz vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and Employers' Mutual, Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Compensation granted at the rate of $8 per week for 312 weeks or $2,496 (1st Report, p 73).
SAVERIANO DIAZ (Severino Diaz)
b. abt: 1882
Mexican, Miner, 35, not legally married, three children
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Mar. 12, 1917
Check No: 98
Age: 35; Birth abt: 1882
Wife: No legal wife. Decedent had two supposed wives and children by each: Rufino Torres & Lupita Rodarte. Entombed reports there was a wife and one child in Hastings.
By Rufino Torres
Child 1: Matias Diaz
Child 2: Valentino Diaz
By Lupita Rodarte
Child 3: Trinidad Diaz
Buried: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,814 Compensation denied Aug. 23, 1917.
CLAIM No. 3814. Death of Severino Diaz, Matias and Valentino Diaz, et al., Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Co., Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co, and Lloyds' of London, Insurers. Decedent had two supposed wives and children by each. One woman testified that she would not marry him, and the other, the proof showed, had a husband living. Compensation was denied both his supposed wives and their children. Commission holding that "minor child," as used in the act, did not include illegitimate children. Appeal to the District Court of Las Animas County, now pending. (1st Report, p 14-15)
Acc. No. 21,967, Claim No. 3,814. In the Matter of the Death of Severino Diaz, Matias and Valentino Diaz, Minor Children, by Rufino Torres, Their Next Friend, Lupita Rodarte and Her Minor Child, Trinidad Diaz, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor- American Fuel Company and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds' of London, Insurers, Respondents. Commission finds that the said children of Rufina Torres and Severino Diaz, namely Matias and Valentino Diaz, were illegitimate children, as the evidence shows that the said Rufina Torres was not the common-law wife of the said Severino Diaz, and had refused to marry him. The Commission finds that the said Rufina Torres had not lived with or been supported by the said Severino Diaz for six years prior to his death. The Commission finds that the minor child of Severino Diaz and Lupita Rodarte. Trinidad Diaz, was the illegitimate child of Severino Diaz, as said Lupita Rodarte admitted at the hearing that she was not married to said Severino Diaz and could not marry him as she had a husband living from whom she was not divorced. Further, that the term "minor child," as used in the "Workmen's Compensation Act, does not include illegitimate children. Claims denied (1st Report, p 27).
Acc. No. 21,927, Claim No. 3,814. Severino Diaz vs. Victor- American Fuel (Jo. and Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75 (1st Report, p 71).
CLAIM No. 3814. Severino Diaz. Matias and Valentino Diaz, et al.. Claimants, vs. The Victor American Fuel Co., Employer; Employers' Mutual Ins. Co. and Lloyds of London, Insurers. Compensation denied. Appealed to District Court of Las Animas county. Now pending (2nd Report, p 13).
Index No. 146, Claim No. 3814. Severino Diaz, Deceased, Matias and Valentina Diaz, Minor Children, by Rufina Torres, their -next friend, Lupita Rodarte and Her Minor Child, Trinidad Diaz, Dependents, Claimants, vs. Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers’ Mutual Ins. Co., Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Re-Insurer, Respondents. Fatal. Severino Diaz was killed April 27, 1917, while in the employ of the Victor-American Fuel Company at Hastings, Colorado. Dependent's claim for compensation was filed on behalf of Matias Diaz and Valentina Diaz, illegitimate children of Rufina Torrees, and by Lupita Rodarte, on behalf of herself and Trinidad Diaz, it being alleged that she was the common law wife of the deceased. It was found as a fact that Matias Diaz and Valentina Diaz were illegitimate children and that Lupita Rodarte was not the legal wife of the deceased as she had a husband living at the time from whom she was not divorced and that Trinidad Diaz was an illegitimate child and that compensation could not be granted to Lupita Rodarte and the illegitimate children. Compensation denied Aug. 23, 1917. Claimants appeal to the district court of Las Animas -County, which affirmed the award of the Commission, Oct. 11, 1919 (3rd Report, p 43).
American, Miner, 25, single
Nationality: American
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Mar. 17, 1915
Check No: 16
Age: 25; Birth abt: 1892
Lived in Hastings
Father: Stephen Dolan
Mother: Josephine Dolan
Wife: Single
Child 1: None
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery, Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Burial Date: 06 May, 1917
Section 3, Lot 19 (New Section, Family Lot)
No Marker
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,623 Reimburse the father $75 funeral expenses. Compensation denied, Nov 15, 1919
Acc. No. 21,947, Claim No. 3,623. In the Matter of the Death of Frank Dolan, Josephine Dolan, His Mother, Claimant, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds' of London, Insurers, Respondents. Commission finds that decedent gave his mother $20 to $25 per month, which was for his board, dependency not shown (1st Report, p 25).
Acc. No. 21,947, Claim No. 3,623. Frank Dolan vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Rehearing denied (1st Report, p 57).
Acc. No. 21,947, Claim No. 3,623. Frank Dolan vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Ordered by the Industrial Commission that respondents reimburse the father of decedent, Stephen Dolan, in the sum of $75 funeral expenses (1st Report, p 71).
CLAIM No. 3623. Frank Dolan, Josephine Dolan, Mother, Dependent, vs. Victor American Fuel Co., Employer, and Employers' Mutual Ins. Co. and Lloyds of London, Insurers. Compensation denied. Appealed to District Court. Now pending (2nd Report, p 14).
Index No. 153, -Claim No. 3623. Josephine Dolan vs. Industrial Commission. The Commission entered an award denying claim on the ground that claimant herein was not dependent on decedent, as the father supported the family. Appealed to the District Court and they held that this involved a question of fact, and affirmed the award of the Commission. November 15, 1919 (3rd Report, p. 44).

ISADORE DORADO (Doradro) b. abt: 1878
Mexican, Miner, 39, married, two children
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Miner
Age: 39; Birth abt: 1878
Non-resident dependent
Wife: Apolonia Carrillo Dorado
Child 1: Yes
Child 2: Yes
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery, Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Burial Date: 04 May, 1917
No Marker
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,625 $602 to be paid $5.75 per week, March 29th, 1918.
Acc. No. 21,952, Claim No. 3,625. Isadore Doradro vs. Victor-American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75 (1st Report, p 74).
Acc. No. 21,952, Claim No. 3,625. In the Matter of the Death of Isadore Dorado. Apolonia Dorado, Widow, Dependent, Claimant, vs. The Vic tor-American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds' of London, Insurers, Respondents. Lump Sum Settlement granted for $201.04, May 10th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 46).
Acc. No. 21,952, Claim No. 3,625. In the Matter of the Death of Isadore Dorado. Apolonia Carrillo Dorado, His Widow, Dependent, Claimant, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Award to widow of $602 to be paid $5.75 per week, non-resident dependent, March 29th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 63).

Row of Miners Graves
ANTON EVANCICH (Antone Evanchich, Antonio Vancich) b. abt: 1877
Austrian, Miner, 40, married, one child
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Feb. 22, 1916
Check No: 103
Age: 40; Birth abt: 1877
Foreign dependency
Lived in Austria
Wife: Yes
Child 1: Son
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery, Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Burial Date: 17 May, 1917
No Marker
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,668 Award, $833.33, Attorney's fee $75.00, Funeral, $100.00 April 23, 1921.
Acc. No. 22,125, Claim No. 3,668. Antone Evancich vs. Victor-American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75 (1st Report, p 74).
Index No. 291. Claim No. 3668. Antone Evancich. Deceased: Widow and Minor Son. Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds' of London, Re-Insurer, Respondents. Fatal. Foreign dependency. Award, $833.33. Attorney's fee, $75.00. Funeral, $100.00. April 23, 1921 (5th Report, p 50).

Row of Miners Graves
SAM FABIAN (Same Fabias) (Sam Fibias / Fibras)
b. abt: 1888
Austrian, Miner, 29, single
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Mar. 12, 1917
Check No: 114
Age: 29; Birth abt: 1888
Lived in Austria
Father: Henry Fabian
Brothers and Sisters
Wife: Single
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery, Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Burial Date: 12 May, 1917
No Marker
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,557 Undertaker's award for $75 1917. Dismissed and denied - final, Jul 9, 1923.
Acc. No. 21,913, Claim No. 3,557. Same Fabias vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75 (1st Report, p 74).
Index No. 482, Claim No. 3557. Sam Fibias, Deceased; Henry Fabian, Father, Brothers and Sisters. Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor- American Fuel Company. Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Re-insurer, Respondents. Dependent's Notice and Claim for Compensation dismissed and denied for lack of evidence, January 9, 1923. Further hearing ordered. Commission award, March 13, 1923. Referee's award of January 9, 1923, affirmed. Commission award. July 9, 1923 (7th Report, p 62).

Row of Miners Graves
A. B. FELIX (Ilija Fillpovic)(Ilija Filipovic)
b. abt: 1888
Austrian, Miner, 29, single
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Apr. 15, 1917
Check No: 94
Age: 29; Birth abt: 1888
Lived in Austria
Father: Bob Filipovic,
Mother: Eva Filipovic
Brother: Tony Filipovic
Sisters: Mary, Ellina and Matia Filipovic
Wife: Single
Child 1: None
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery, Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Burial Date: 2 May, 1917
No Marker
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,596 Undertaker's award for $75, 1917. Denied, Apr 9, 1923
Acc. No. 22,002, Claim No. 3,596. A. B. Felix vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75 (1st Report, Claim, p 74).
Index No. 476, Claim No. 3596. A. B. Felix (Ilija Fillpovic). Deceased; Bob Filipovic. Father. Eva Filipovic. Mother. Tony Filipovic, Brother, and Mary, Ellina and Matia Filipovic, Sisters, Dependents. Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Re-Insurer, Respondents. Denied for lack of prosecution and evidence, April 9, 1923 (7th Report, p 62).

(Triantafillos Athanasios Tjelatis / A. F. Felix) b. abt: 1891
Greek, Miner, 26, married, one child
Nationality: Greek
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Oct 27, 1915
Check No: 57
Age: 26; Birth abt: 1891
Lived in Greece
Wife: Yes
Child 1: One
Burial: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,581 Undertaker's award for $75, 1917. Failure to file claim within period prescribed by law, Dec 19, 1919.
Acc. No. 21,968. Claim No. 3,581. Frientafolas Fleitis vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75 (3rd Report, p 74).
Index No. 226, Claim No. 3581. Frientafolas Fleitis, also known as Triantafillos Athanasios Tjelatis, Deceased, Widow, Minor Son, Dependents, Claimants, vs. Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Co., Insurer, and Lloyds' of London, Re-insurers, Respondents. Claim denied on account of failure to file claim within period prescribed by law. Dec. 19, 1919. Petition for review. Denied. Feb. 5, 1920. Claimants petition for rehearing. Denied. March 30, 1920 (4th Report, p 45).

Row of Miners Graves
GONZALES FLORES (Gonzales Mores) b. abt: 1895
Mexican, Driver, 22, married
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Driver Company Man
Age: 22; Birth abt: 1895
Wife: Yes Death of wife abt 13 May 1921
Child 1: None
Child 2:
Buried: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,590 $8 per week for 6 years, amount $2,496, 1917. Terminated due to death, May 13, 1921.
Acc. No. 21,986, Claim No. 3,590. Gonzales Mores vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Compensation granted at $8 per week for 6 years, amount $2,496 (1st Report, p 77).
Index No. 310. Claim No. 3590. Gonzales Flores, Deceased; Widow, Dependent, Claimant, vs. The Victor American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds' of London, Re-Insurer, Respondents. Terminating compensation payments herein on account of death of widow, sole dependent May 13, 1921 (5th Report, p 51).
LIBOR GARDELKIE (Gardelikie) (Libor Gardelka)
b. abt: 1879
Austrian, Miner, 38, married, three children
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Date Hired: Jan. 2, 1917
Check No: 137
Age: 38; Birth abt: 1879
Lived in Hastings
Wife: Julia Gardelka Juline Gardylka
Child 1: John
Child 2: Mary
Child 3: Frank
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery, Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Burial Date: 11 May, 1917
Section D
Find A Grave Memorial# 135434558

Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,558 $5 per week for 312 weeks, or $1,560, 1917.
Acc. No. 21,914, Claim No. 3,558. Libor Gardelkc vs. The Victor- American Fuel Company and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Compensation granted at $5 per week for 312 weeks, or $1,560 (1st Report, p 63).
Acc. No. 21,914, Claim No. 3,558. In the Matter of the Death of Libor Gardelka. Julia Gardelka, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Application for Lump Sum Settlement denied December 27th, 1917 (2nd Report, p 42).
Acc. No. 21,914, Claim No. 2,558 [sic]. In the Matter of the Death of Libor Gardelka. Julia Gardelka, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Application for Lump Sum Settlement granted to pay attorney's fees of $28.85, October 17th, 1918 (2nd Report, p 53).
Index No. 205, Claim No. 3558. Libor Gardelka, Deceased, Julia Gardelka, His Widow, and Minor Children, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel -Co., Employer, and The Employers’ Mutual Ins. Co., Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Re-insurer, Respondents. Claimants’ application for rehearing granted, pending decision of District Court. Dec. 27, 1918. $22.68 granted for attorney’s fees. Sept. 19, 1919 (3rd Report, p 50).

FRANC GERL (Frank) b. abt: 1897
Austrian, Miner, 20, single
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Age: 20; Birth abt: 1897
Father: Johann Gerl
Mother: Jelena Gerl
One Brother, Three Sisters
Wife: Single
Child 1: None
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery, Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Burial Date: 4 May, 1917
No Marker
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,573 Undertaker's award for $75, 1917. Dismissed for lack of evidence and prosecution, Feb 24, 1923.
Acc. No. 21,957, Claim No. 3,573. Frank Gerl vs. Victor- American Fuel Company and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75 (1st Report, p 74).
Index No. 541, Claim No. 3573. Frank Gerl. Deceased; Johann Gerl, Father Jelena Gerl, Mother, one Brother, three Sisters, Dependents, (Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Insurer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Insurer, and Lloyds of London, Re-Insurer, Respondents. Dismissed for lack of evidence and prosecution, February 24, 1923 (7th Report, p 67).

Row of Miners Graves
TONY GLAVICH b. abt: 1890
Austrian, Miner, 27, single
Nationality: Austrian
Occupation: Miner
Age: 27; Birth abt: 1890
Father: Antonio Glavic
Mother: Anna Glavic
Wife: Single
Child 1: None
Child 2:
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery, Trinidad,
Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Date of Burial: 09 May, 1917
No Marker
Find A Grave Memorial#
Found on the body:Seventy-five cents (Coroner’s Inquest, p 15).
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,624 Undertaker's award for $75 1917. Compensation denied, Jan 11, 1922.
Acc. No. 21,951,- Claim No. 3,624. Tony Glavich vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Undertaker's award for $75. (1st Report, p 75)
Index No. 390, Claim No. 3624. Tony Glavich, Deceased; Antonio Glavic and Anna Glavic, Father and Mother, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor- American Fuel Company, Employer, and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company. Insurer, and Lloyds of London. Re-Insurer, Respondents. Fatal. Question: Dependency. The evidence submitted does not sustain the contention that the claimants were dependent upon deceased. Claim for compensation denied January 11, 1922 (6th Report, p 66).

Row of Miners Graves
JOE HERNANDEZ (Hernandes) b. abt: 1890
Spaniard, Driver, 27, married, one child
Nationality: Spaniard
Occupation: Driver Company Man
Age: 27; Birth abt: 1890
Mother: Reynaldo Hernandes
Wife: Mithie Hernandes
Child 1: One
Buried: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,585 $2,147.18, to be paid at the rate of $6.86 per week, Claim of mother, denied, Dec 21, 1917.
Acc. No. 21,978, Claim Nb. 3,585. In the Matter of the Death of Joe Hernandes. Mithie E. Hernandes, His Widow, in Behalf of Herself and Minor Child, and Reynaldo Hernandes, Mother, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, and Employers’ Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds of London, Insurers, Respondents. Award to wife and minor child for $2,147.18, to be paid at the rate of $6.86 per week. Claim of mother as to dependency denied. December 21, 1917 (1st Report, p 55).
FELIPO HERRERA (Felipe Herraram)
b. abt: 1901
Mexican, Trapper, 16, single
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Trapper Company Man
Age: 16; Birth abt: 1901
Father: Ignac Herraram
Mother: Petra Barron
Wife: Single
Child 1: None
Buried: Trinidad Catholic Cemetery,
Trinidad, Las Animas County Colorado, USA
Date of Burial: 03 May, 1917
No Marker
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,593 Undertaker's award for $75. Not dependent upon the decedent, 1917.
Acc. No. 21,994, Claim No. 3,593. In the Matter of the Death of Felipe Herraram, Petra Barron, Mother and Ignac Herraram, Father, Dependents, Claimants, vs. The Victor-American Fuel Company, Employer, The Employers' Mutual Insurance Company and Lloyds' of London, Insurers, Respondents. Commission finds that neither father nor mother are either partially or wholly dependent upon the decedent. Undertaker's award for $75.00 (1st Report, p 78).

Row of Miners Graves
JAMES “Jim” HOWARD b. abt: 1886
Colored, Driver, 31, married, six children
Nationality: Colored
Occupation: Driver Company Man
Age: 31; Birth abt: 1886
Wife: Yes
Child 1: Six Children
Child 2:
Buried: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial#
Workman’s Compensation:
Claim No. 3,635 $8 per week for 6 years amounting to $2,496, 1917.
Acc. No. 21,988, Claim No. 3,635. James Howard vs. Victor- American Fuel Co. and The Employers' Mutual Insurance Co. and Lloyds' of London. Compensation granted at $8 per week for 6 years amounting to $2,496 (1st Report, p 76).