I started this project after learning there was no real record of the miners lost in this disaster and that only a few miners had marked graves. After doing a little research, I found that many of the miners names are either misspelled, nick names, or Americanized names. The names in the Reports of the Industrial Commission of Colorado were used to find legal names, but some of those were also mistyped.
Records that would have shown what cemetery miners remains were buried in, are missing or have been lost to fire: T.G. McCarthy Funeral Home – Fire in 1940 took the records of 1917. Hall-McMahon - (1926 Mullare's bought Pillar Mortuary who had been successor to Hall-McMahon Mortuary at 216 E. Main St., Mullare Murphy Funeral Home in Trinidad, CO,) found the 1917 records are missing from their files.
This research is to help remember the miners for future generations.
1st Goal. That enough funds can be rasied to obtain all the miners death certificates in order to get more information, such as where and when they were born, next of kin, etc. This would require $20 per miner, about $2500. These certificates will be posted or links provided on this site, as each one is obtained.
2nd Goal. That enough funds are raised to mark all the graves that have lost their markers over time, such as James Lockhart, known location but no marker. Also, seven bodies remain in the mine and were never recovered and nine other bodies were recovered but were not able to be identified. These miners’ names should be remembered at the Hastings site.
100% of the funds will go towards research costs and marking graves to remember the miners.
Please help raise the funds needed to meet the first goal.

Mellanee Montgomery
Working in the mining industry in the past helped me understand the mining life style and terminolgy. I enjoy geneolgy, but also enjoy all that Colorado outdoors has to offer.

Working in the Mill
Mill Operations
My past mining experience was working at Everest Materials hauling aggregate and Henderson Mill in Operations refining molybdenum.

Truman & Kaylee
Research Assistants
Truman and Kaylee are loyal field research assisants.
They enjoy digging into field research, jumping into new sites, and bark at the chance to go for car rides to do more research.