Hastings Mine Disaster

Trinidad, Colo. collection, Ph.00422 (Scan # 20004914), History, Colorado
Hastings Mine is the site of the worst mining disaster in Colorado. 121 miners lost their lives in an explosion deep in the Victor-American Fuel Company mine on April 27, 1917, most likely due to a safety lamp trying to be relighted.
One rescue worker died on May 6, 1917.
Time has all but forgotten the men who died due to the preventable mine explosion.
This website is to remember the men who died in the coal mine that day, learn more about the them, and the tragedy that ended their lives.
Aerial view of Hastings a Victor American Fuel Company coal camp in Las Animas County, Colorado. Shows tipple, washer, and screening plant. Company houses line the road that cuts through the canyon. Possibly a school or church is on a hill. Colorado and Southern Railway Company tracks extend from the mouth of the canyon to the industrialbuildings. Ramshackle frame houses are clustered on one side of the tracks. - HistoryColorado.org